Taking care of yourself as a parent
We all have a hard time being the parent we want to be when we’re stressed out. The positive parent focuses on what’s right in the parent-and-child relationship, finds joy in the simple things, and takes the general attitude that while there are lots of things they can’t directly control, they can control what they choose to focus on.
But what if you find yourself frequently stressed out, exhausted, and thinking negative thoughts about your child? What can you do to de-stress? The positive parent prioritizes self-care. They make sure personal needs for intimacy, companionship, recreation, and time alone are being met. Being a good parent does not mean that your child should dominate your life.
Unfortunately, when you’re stressed out, exhausted, and running on empty, you can’t be there constructively for your child. Prioritizing if your own needs are being met makes it much easier to be patient, consistent, and available to your child.
Here is a printable Self-care Checklist with ideas on Physical, Spiritual, Emotional and Social ways to take care of your needs.
And here is a Self-care Shield. This shield protects you from anything negative, stressful or toxic. Within the protection of this shield, you will feel centred, happy, and energized. What can you do to strengthen your shield?
Works Cited
Markham, L. (2012). Peaceful parent, happy kids: How to stop yelling and start connecting. New York, NY: Perigee Book.
Markie-Dadds, C., Sanders, M. R., & Turner, K. M. (2003). Every parent’s family workbook. Milton, Qld.: Triple P Internat.
Taking care of yourself as a parent (PDF 1mb)